Opening hours
- C.·
I came to Laurence as I had left my company and it was hard for me to let go of the resentments. I felt stuck. In 1 session Laurence helped me to tell the important people in that company about my feelings and kind of make peace with them or at least say good bye and cut what was still connecting me to them. It was not easy to live those emotions but I felt so light and free and even powerful after the session. We spent 90 minutes online. We did this almost 1 year ago and I still feel very grateful to Laurence. I had never done hypnosis before and did not know I could do this. Now I feel much more distance with my previous company and I am doing more self work as I know I can do a lot with therapy. At my own pace.
- F·
Je tiens vraiment a remercier Laurence. Elle m`a mis a l`aise et m`a aide a me sentir mieux. J`avais des problemes d`insomnie et j`avais des coleres que je ne comprenais pas. Je me suis senti a tout moment en securite a naviguer dans l`hypnose et me connecter avec mon sub conscient. Je vois que je me connais mieux maintenant apres ce travail et j`ai plus de courage pour faire face a la vie et trouver enfin la joie. Je me sens plus leger et confiant maintenant.
Je ne m`attendais pas a resoudre autant de choses et avoir autant de comprehension de moi et de la vie !